The Peak Performing Professor - A Practical Guide to Productivity and Happiness

Beyond a discussion of work-life balance and teaching tips

" Many professors perform three very different professional activities of teaching, writing, and serving, each of which could itself be a full-time job. You have to do all three jobs—and well. No wonder you can feel distracted and pulled in many directions."
—From the Introduction

The Peak Performing Professor:

A Practical Guide to Productivity and Happiness

Susan Robison (Author)
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Drawing on research from the fields of neuroscience, faculty development, work productivity, positive psychology, and resilience, The Peak Performing Professor is filled with techniques, strategies, and practical tools for managing the complexities of academic life while maximizing professional potential. This much-needed resource reveals the four skill sets (PACE) that enhance peak performance and shows faculty step-by-step shows how to:

  • Power their work and lives with purpose and meaning.
  • Align all of their activities with that purpose.
  • Connect with mutually helpful colleagues and intimates.
  • Energize themselves to thrive in this interesting and engaging career.

To help develop these essential skills, the book contains exercises that can help faculty to hone their abilities to anchor their work, roles, and use of time in their most deeply held values; to integrate their personal and professional lives into a seamless whole; to experience more work-life balance; and, ultimately, to create a legacy of a life well-lived. Administrators will also find the book a useful tool for guiding their faculty to produce, stay engaged, and experience job satisfaction.

"The first time I saw Susan present her Pyramid of Power model, I knew I needed to learn more. This book provides both the ideas and the practical advice that can help faculty and faculty developers make our lives more effective and more livable."
—L. Dee Fink, author of Creating Significant Learning Experiences

"An amazing book—essential reading for every faculty member. The integration of sound scholarship and practical advice is extraordinary. This book will power faculty workshops and faculty lives!"
—Barbara Walvoord, professor emerita, University of Notre Dame; author of Effective Grading

"Not another generic time management tome for busy professionals, this book offers a thoughtful, research-informed, and in-depth guide for over-extended faculty members who seek to maintain productivity while working more intentionally and living with greater balance."
—Leslie Ortquist-Ahrens, Director, Center for Transformative Learning, Berea College and President-Elect, Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education

A former professor of psychology and department chair at the Notre Dame of Maryland University, Susan Robison provides faculty development workshops and productivity coaching at higher education conferences and on college campuses.

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